Democratic campaign software to help you reach your audience

NGP VAN is the leading technology provider to Democratic and progressive political campaigns and organizations, nonprofits, municipalities, and other groups. Access an integrated platform of the best fundraising, compliance, field, organizing, digital, and social networking products.

Get more from your political campaign software

Engaging more supporters, across more channels, to support more programs shouldn't require more work. Our powerful unified campaign software empowers you to work smarter, not harder, to help you raise more money, engage more supporters, contact more voters, and file complete and accurate campaign finance reports.

Handshake icon representing how donor management software can help you deepen important relationships.

Donor Management

Deepen relationships with holistic contact records, automated workflows, and real-time dashboards.

Megaphone icon representing a central part of democratic campaign software—outreach.

Digital Marketing

Run efficient and optimized email, digital advertising, and SMS campaigns.

Icon showing a money sign on a laptop, representing online fundraising tools as a part of effective political campaign software.

Online Fundraising

Raise more with custom donation forms optimized for increased conversions.

An icon showing a white clipboard, representing how you can use democratic campaign software to organize events, initiatives, and campaigns.


Elevate your campaign with everything you need to organize, both online and offline.

An icon of three political campaign solution users.

Event & Volunteer Management

Logistics made easy with tools for recruiting new volunteers and managing virtual and in-person events.

An icon of a white folder, used to represent reporting tools build into democratic campaign software.

Simplified Compliance

Tools widely trusted by campaigns and organizations to file thousands of state, federal and local reports.

Message icons representing how people can get involved in your political campaign online through online action opportunities.

Online Actions

Boost conversions, build your email list, and raise more money with petition, email sign-up, and volunteer forms.

Envelope with an email icon, representing how you can leverage email solutions as a part of your democratic campaign software to reach your supporters.

Targeted Email

A reliable, powerful, and easy-to-use email solution to help you win your campaign.


Maximize your campaign fundraising with NGP. Build comprehensive donor contact records that integrate seamlessly with our products like Online Contributions, Online Actions, and Targeted Email. Personalize your fundraising asks for donors and conduct multichannel outreach through NGP to raise more money for your campaign.

Three organizers sitting at a table planning a ballot chase program
woman with a megaphone at a rally

Digital Marketing

Build your digital strategy for your political campaign with our powerful digital marketing tools. Engage your supporters through email, SMS, and social media to increase your digital presence and collect data to optimize your future outreach to supporters.

Event Management

Manage your in-person and virtual events, recruit more volunteers and supporters, and create branded sign-up forms with our event management software. Support your events with built-in best practices to help boost event attendance.

woman receiving ballot at polling place


With our industry-leading compliance software, NGP offers built-in accountability measures and audit trails to ensure you file complete and accurate campaign finance reports.

This image of the Tim Walz logo is used to exemplify how NGP Van’s democratic campaign software helped advance his campaign.

"By using NGP 8, our team is able to easily track our fundraising from call time, all the way through to our Email and Digital Programs."

Haley Cobb, Governor Tim Walz



A political campaign volunteer engages with a voter through political persuasion

Political persuasion: Creating and engaging your audiences

To win an election or advance a political cause, you need thoughtful strategies for convincing and mobilizing voters. One strategy that’s a key part of any campaign plan is political persuasion — the act of convincing unlikely voters to support your campaign or cause. Political persuasion requires effective communication and voter targeting to be executed […]
Donor Full Cycle Value

Donor full-cycle value: reframing political fundraising success in 2024 and beyond

Using donor full-cycle value, we can better evaluate political fundraising success.
A woman checks off an item on her political campaign checklist as she speaks to an older woman.

Political campaign checklist: what to do before launch

Work through our checklist to help set your campaign up for success.
Looking for tools that will help your political campaign or organization raise money, manage events, engage voters, and more? NGP VAN has all the political campaign software you need to supercharge your fundraising and organizing efforts.
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