Contact Management
One platform for every action.
Our unrivaled customer relationship system (CRM) offers a single location for everything you need to track and engage with supporters, donors and prospects across all channels.
With NGP’s integrated platform, we help ensure that all of your fundraising, compliance and online action data is stored in a single database. VAN users can also link their database to easily enhance contact records with key voter data.
Easily import Excel spreadsheets directly into your NGP database or work with our expert data services team to transition data from your old system without a hitch. Bulk exporting of data is also quick and painless, using our search and reporting tools.
NGP’s Report Builder offers a real-time picture of your supporters across all channels. Use helpful built-in features like filters, sorting, drag and drop formatting, etc. to allow you to easily dig deeper into your data. Easily schedule and share reports to run at a time that you designate and in the format you prefer (PDF, CSV, RTF and XLS reports).
Avoid wasting money on postage or annoying supporters by using NGP’s built-in (and free) duplicate management system. Located directly on your home dashboard as well as each contact record, the duplicate manager will allow your campaign to easily identify and merge duplicate records to save you time and money.
Unlike many campaign databases, NGP allows you to search across key offline AND online data points like contribution history, outstanding pledges, count of online actions, political districts, FastAction users, etc. to create the perfect list.
NGP VAN’s data services can help you save precious time and money. Our team of experts can assist you in migrating data from third-party sources, identify and merge duplicate records and households, perform NCOA updates, standardize addresses and update records with key data points like gender.